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Everyone wants to eat better. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, you don't need to do everything at once. Here are a few easy ways you can improve your nutrition with small but effective changes.


Vitamin A is an important part of a healthy diet. You can get it from such foods as dairy products, eggs, beef liver, dark greens, and orange fruit and vegetables. Vitamin A is necessary for for vision, particularly night vision. It also aids in the repair of bone and tissue.

Broccoli is a valuable vegetable to eat during the day. The amount of Vitamin K in broccoli is substantial. Once more, you get two times your daily requirement of vitamin C from a single serving. It is important to eat broccoli, as it may help to reduce development of some types of cancer and aids in strengthening bone tissue. To boost nutrition, try making steamed broccoli instead of boiled or microwaved.

To lose weight, you should try eating more pineapple. Fresh pineapple contains enough sugar to give you all the energy that you need. It also helps you burn fat quicker. Pineapple is the perfect desert after a rather rich meal. Avoid canned pineapple or pies and cakes containing pineapple as it will not have the same effect.

If you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet, you need to find plenty of ways to incorporate protein into your diet. Protein is an important building block for muscle development, and it is very easy for vegetarians to lose muscle mass when they reduce the meat and animal products from their diet.

If you are diabetic and you want to keep your blood sugar down, you should watch how many simple carbohydrates you eat. When broken down they turn into sugar and they can cause a very large spike in your blood glucose level. Eat whole grains if you are going to consume carbohydrates at all.

If you are having trouble about what you should and shouldn't eat, consult with a doctor or friends. Sometimes it can be hectic to eat nutritious when there is so much information out there for you to read. Asking around can help you understand what it is you should be putting into your body to keep it running healthy.

If your child doesn't like to eat vegetables or fruits, try to be creative to get them to eat. Mix some sliced peppers or broccoli into spaghetti sauce. You can cut up some fruits and mix them into your child's cereal. They're more likely to eat healthy foods if they're mixed into foods they already like.

Increase the amount of fruits you're eating by making a breakfast smoothie. Throw some low fat yogurt, fresh frozen fruit of your choosing, a banana and some milk into the blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy! You can hide all kids of healthy ingredients in a smoothie that you won't be able to taste at all.

Raisins and other dry fruits make for a great addition to hot cereals. Keep a box or two around so you can always take advantage of the vitamins they pack. Simply sprinkle them into your oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat or any hot cereal after you've cooked it. They will quickly absorb moisture and release part of their flavor right into your bowl.

Fuel your body. A lack of energy could be more to do with a lack of carbs than a lack of sleep. If you feel constantly drained of energy, try eating more vegetables, fruits and grains. In addition to being packed with vitamins and minerals, they are low in fat and an excellent source of complex carbohydrates.

When eating a healthy sandwich or sub, avoid mayonnaise. It is very high in fat and even adding a little bit to your sandwich can make it go from being healthy to unhealthy. There are lite versions of regular mayonnaise available most places. You can also try different, healthy condiments, such as mustard or ketchup.

Always be aware of your sugar intake. Many times people will drink juice thinking it's a nutritional choice, when really it can be filled with sugar. Some juices actually contain more sugar then a can of pop. Read the food labels of everything you eat, and if it has a lot of sugar, skip it.

Vegetables should make up a large part of your diet. Try to include them in every meal. To get more vegetables in your diet add them to everything. Put peas, carrots and corn in casseroles, add lettuce and tomatoes to sandwiches and wraps, and snack on vegetables with dip. Use vegetables to liven up your food, and you will be eating the recommended amount in no time.

Be aware of food substitutions, in order to make smart food choices. As an example, peanut butter contains fat, but it is considered to be healthy fat. There are lower-fat versions of peanut butter available, but they may contain more sugar, added to replace the flavor lost from removing the fat. Therefore, any calories saved from lower fat content are cancelled out by the increased sugar content.

When buying fat-free or low-fat products it is important to read the labels. Many of the products that claim to be fat-free or low-fat contain many chemicals and additives that are not healthy to consume. Reading the label will help you to make an informed decision about what you and your family are eating.

Nutrition isn't something you just "do." You also have to learn how to do it. That means researching product labels and understanding exactly what it is that you're putting into your body. A lot of the time "fat-free" doesn't mean that it has no fat, it may just be a way to draw a consumer in. Also sugar free or carbohydrate free doesn't necessarily mean that it's lower in calories.

An important nutrition tip for everyone is the importance of not skipping meals. Skipping meals can cause your blood sugar to drop and your metabolism to slow down, both of which are unhealthy. Skipping a meal will also cause you to become so hungry you will eat anything when you get the chance whether it is healthy or not.

It is not difficult to include nutritious foods into your daily diet. You just need to learn more about which foods are the best sources of various nutrients, then incorporate them into your meals. Find out what foods you should not be eating, and modify your diet accordingly. If you are committed to eating right, your body will be healthier.